Melinda Lee Schmitt

Pain and Suffering: An Animal’s Perspective

Pain and Suffering: An Animal’s Perspective

“Timber is in so much pain. I just hate that he is suffering. I just wish there was something I could do.” This is one of the most frequent comments I hear from pet owners. Before I was an animal communicator, I was a pet sitter and in that role; I was in the unique...
Unconditional Love in Nature

Unconditional Love in Nature

How can I be unconditionally loving and still get my needs met? This is a question I pondered for years. It felt like every time I allowed myself to love another human without condition that I was giving away my power. At the same time, I wanted other humans to love...
Morning Walks for Connection

Morning Walks for Connection

About 4 years ago I read a story about a man who walked every day of his life for 30+ years. He walked rain or shine. It reminded me of my Great Grandmother who continued to walk to the general store around the corner from her house up until the day she moved into a...
Soul Contracts

Soul Contracts

Did you know animals have soul contracts the same way humans do? Let’s first take a look at what a soul contract is. Our souls choose the form and life we want to incarnate as on earth. It can be chosen for many different reasons, for enjoyment, for growth, for...
Is My Pet A Mirror of My Own Insecurities?

Is My Pet A Mirror of My Own Insecurities?

Is my pet a mirror of my own insecurities? While exploring my own guilt around the belief that I caused my chihuahua Tater Tot to be highly anxious and aggressive, I discovered a term called entrainment. It first came to my attention in the book, Quantum Love by Dr....